Sunday, August 27, 2023

Idalia Threatens My Area in Northern Florida Wednesday

Looks sadly like north central Florida is about to be treated to a hurricane in a couple of days.  Idalia developed from an "Invest" system to a tropical depression to a tropical storm in the last few days, hovering around the western Caribbean Sea between Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and western Cuba.  But meteorologists predict it will pick up steam tomorrow and hit the western Florida coast around Cedar Key some time Wednesday morning, by then a hurricane with 90-100 mph sustained winds.  At least we're hoping it doesn't hang around the excessively warm northern Gulf of Mexico waters very long, else it will have time to strengthen to a more lethal level.  The question we here in the Gainesville vicinity are asking is whether Idalia will deal us a direct blow or only strong gusts.  And, naturally, there is also the matter of flash flooding.  No, I'm not looking forward to this...but supposedly by Thursday the storm's brunt will have passed our area and we'll be out inspecting the consequences...

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