Monday, June 17, 2024

Race Walking Rules Weird, Unenforceable

Although I think my progress in speed-walking...or power-walking as it is sometimes called...has been coming along nicely, I'm just a little bit skeptical and curious about actual competitive race-walking, the kind of sport you will be seeing at the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics.  The rules for that sport are little strange, if you ask me.  For one, although regular walking does not require the forward leg to be held straight with no knee bend all the way through ground contact, it's a rule for competitive race-walking and the judge will warn the entrant against it they detect a bent leg.  The other strange rule, which seems reasonable on the surface, is that one foot or the other always has to be visibly in contact with the ground.  Sure, dude, otherwise it's running, right? Yet that word "visibly" is a problem, for it is actually rarely enforced for most cases.  In fact, if you look at videos of walkers in a race, most of them are leaving the ground with both feet for short, visibly undetectable other words, they're running!  When I speed-walk, I'm both trying very hard to maintain continuous contact with the surface while not caring all that much about keeping my forward leg straight (which, to me is a stupid rule).  But that would get me disqualified in a race, go figure.  Oh well...

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