Monday, June 3, 2024

My Sunrise 11.2 Mile Run/Walk

Seeing how the public schools in my county let out for the summer last Friday, I anticipated, with pleasure, a lack of kids and school buses on the streets early this morning as I decided to go then on my distance run/walk, alternating over my pre-planned neighborhood route between two minutes of moderate running and three of fast walking.  Conditions were better than my Memorial Day morning run a week ago.  For one, I started out early, just at sunrise.  And then the weather was more amenable, with a pretty steady average 70 degrees and 81% humidity throughout.  I felt kind of sore afterwards, but that was expected.  For this workout I listened to Amazon Music's shuffle of songs by Electric Light Orchestra, one of my favorite bands from the seventies and early eighties.  This week and the previous one have seen me in a support/care-giver role as Melissa has undergone surgery and is now, thankfully, recovering well...but gradually...from it.  Please keep your thoughts and prayers in mind for her as we pass through this medical/health storm...thankfully all of the post-op news so far is good...  

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