Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Rough Ocean Reminds Me of Upcoming Hurricane Season

Yesterday at Daytona Beach Melissa noted to me that the ocean seemed "angry", with lots of choppiness and medium-to-large waves...the color tended to be greyish-green, kind of stormy looking in spite of the clear skies.  It was very windy as well...must be something brewing offshore.  I was watching The Weather Channel this morning and Stephanie Abrams was discussing a big Atlantic coastal storm, centered off the North Carolina coast and causing problems on their shoreline. The whole storm thing reminded me that we're coming up on the start of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, officially beginning on June 1st.  Normally talking about tropical storms this early would seem a bit premature, but in recent years we've seen quite a few named storms in the first couple of months of hurricane season...and even earlier.  In any event, here are the names for 2022...at least through the letter "W": Alex, Bonnie, Colin, Danielle, Earl, Fiona, Gaston, Hermine, Ian, Julia, Karl, Lisa, Martin, Nicole, Owen, Paula, Richard, Shary, Tobias, Virginie, Walter.  In case some of these names seem familiar to you, they're all recycled from 2016...except for M and O (Matthew and Otto were bad enough six years ago to retire).  The general forecasts are for a slightly more active than usual season, so I imagine I'll be tuning in to TWC even more often than usual.  Of course, my favorite scene is of one of their meteorologists "roughing it up" on a threatened beach while pedestrians are casually walking by in the background...I'm sure I'll be watching a few of those this summer/fall...

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