Wednesday, May 31, 2017

My May 2017 Running Report

For all of May this year I have had to deal with recurring arm pain, missing work at the beginning of this month and laying off of the running as well for a few days.  As my situation improved, I was able to pick it back up and even ran in a race: the May 20 May Day Glow Run, held early in the evening in Tioga.  Although I'm still dealing with the arm pain, I am now fully functional and there seems to be little correlation with the pain and my activities...I have an instinctive feeling that exercise actually helps.  Anyway, my monthly total mileage was 64, and my longest single run was for that 3.1 miles...

Now we're entering the hot months of June, July, and August, with very few races offered here during this span in the Gainesville area.  That's okay since my main goal this coming month is to reestablish a regular daily routine of running the 3.3-mile course I designed through my neighborhood, with travel coming up during the final week.  If there are any half-marathons in my future, they will have to wait: first things first...

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