Thursday, June 1, 2017

5/28 Sermon on 1 John, Part 7

Let There Be Light is the name of Pastor Philip Griffin's ongoing Sunday morning message series here at Gainesville's Family Church, based on the New Testament book of 1 John.  The most recent installment, form May 28th, is titled Relate and is based on Chapter 3, Verses 16-24: you can read the scripture passage via Bible Gateway through this link: [link]...

Pastor Philip's focus in this sermon is how real faith is reflected in our relationships, both with others and with God.  The emphasis is on placing others before ourselves, both in regard to our generosity and love as well as our expectations...especially when it comes to who needs to be "Jesus" and assume the higher role.  And that love and generosity doesn't just apply to family and friends: enemies and strangers should be recipients as well...although I'd like to add a caveat that this doesn't mean to deny reality and forego prudence and protection.  As far as our relationship with our heavenly father is concerned, by living in God's our pastor stressed...he exposes our flaws and enables us to overcome them...and empowers us to go against our more selfish inclinations and love our family, friends, and even strangers and enemies, as ourselves...

If you'd like to see this message yourself, you can click on the following link to the church's YouTube video website: [link]. The Family Church, at 2022 SW 122nd Street, holds its Sunday morning services at 9:30 and 11. Along with the pastor's sermon is exciting praise music, welcoming people, and good coffee.  A nice place to spend your Sunday morning...

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