Sunday, April 30, 2017

My April 2017 Running Report

My running in April was curtailed at the end by something not directly related to it: chronic and often intense pain in my left arm.  Earlier today I had to seek medical treatment, and more serious concerns about my heart were then eliminated.  Still, my life for the next few days will be disrupted as I have to rest and recover while taking medication to keep the pain level in my arm bearable.  Needless to say, I won't be running anytime soon...

As for my running stats for April, I ran a total of 97 miles, a 4.1 mile run being my longest single run...and I ran on 26 days, missing some at the end due to the aforementioned problem.  Earlier in the month I had a chance to run a 10K race but have decided that running races early Saturday morning simply does not work when I am getting off from my often physically demanding job Friday at midnight, just a few hours earlier...future races will have to give me some more recuperation time from work than that.  In any event, my arm is the pressing issue for me right now and running is far down the list of my priorities.  I'll see where I stand on it in a few days...

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