Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ocala Marathon Completed, With Pain

I completed the Ocala Marathon today, but I had to spend a considerable portion of the race walking because of some pain coming from my right leg near the knee. This pain, which I first noticed as a minor twinge after my first-ever marathon run on January 15, never happens at the beginning of a run, and it didn't with today's. Around the 5-mile mark, I noticed a little aching in that area. It worsened until, by around 10 miles, I had to increase my walking breaks. For the next 9 miles, the walking increased while the running proportionately decreased. Finally, by mile marker #19 the pain while running was too much for me and I had to walk the rest of the way. Although my time was horrendous (a tad over 6 hours), I still received a lovely medal for having completed the 26.2 mile Ocala Marathon.

I'm going to take a needed break from running for at least a couple of weeks (and possibly longer) in order for the injured part of my leg to properly heal. I strongly doubt that I will be running the marathon in Gainesville next month as planned. But the half-marathon? Well, that may be in the works should my leg make a complete recovery.

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