Monday, January 24, 2011

My Favorite Songs of 2010: #6

#6: Faust Arp by Radiohead

Radiohead's last release is an eclectic album titled In Rainbows, released in 2007. In it the group explores various musical styles, as well as seeming to pay tribute to influential acts from the past. In Faust Arp, one of Radiohead's shortest-ever songs, I sense the influence of the Beatles. In fact, the guitar background sounds an awful lot like Dear Prudence, one of John Lennon's contributions to the White Album. The melody and lyrics go off in an entirely different direction though, and what sounds like an orchestral string section (or an electronic representation thereof) cuts in at opportune moments, creating a beautiful effect. So much intensity in such a short and overtly understated piece... Thom Yorke sings Faust Arp straight and without affect, almost as if he were simply speaking his case (one of apparent frustration) at the listener. It works!

Speaking of the Beatles, sometimes I wonder about the direction that the individual members took with their solo careers after the breakup, marveling at how their output tended to suffer in quality without their collaborative and critical influence on each other. Faust Arp is an example of a song that I would have expected from someone like Paul McCartney, instead of some of the drivel that he actually put out (such as Another Day or My Love).

In Rainbows provides one more song on my personal 2010 favorites list, and it also appears to be a tribute to a great act of the past. But I'll leave that one to another day.

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