Sunday, January 12, 2020

Presidential Primaries and Caucuses Nearly Upon Us

It's January 12, a little more than three weeks before the Iowa caucuses kick off the voters' actual participation in the 2020 presidential campaign after months of media spin, dubious debates, and endless opinion polling.  With the Republicans, incumbent Donald Trump will be the nominee although he has some opposition on different state ballots from opponents like Bill Weld, Joe Walsh and Rocky De La Fuente.  Most eyes will be on the Democratic contests, as no one really knows how the votes will go in the different states.  One thing is certain: once Iowa and the February 11 New Hampshire Primary take place, we'll have a couple more contests and a little breathing space until March 3's Super Tuesday when many, many states will be simultaneously holding their primaries...Florida's won't come until March 17 and by that time we may already have a runaway leader.  By the way, those three Republican candidates running against Trump will be on the ballot in Florida.  And Florida's primary is closed, meaning you only vote within the party you're registered for...a compelling reason to never register without a major party affiliation.  The primaries will go on to the first week in June...and then it will be the national conventions, the Democrats holding theirs July 13-16 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin while the Republicans have theirs August 24-27 in Charlotte, North Carolina.  I already know which candidate I will vote for in the Florida Primary, but if she drops out of the race by then...a distinct possibility...then I'll just have to rethink it a bit...

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