Friday, August 23, 2019

Quote of the Week...from a Fortune Cookie

Each day, compel yourself to do something you would rather not do.    
                                                        ---fortune cookie from local Chinese restaurant.

There is a very good little Chinese restaurant close to my workplace.  Although I wouldn't want to eat that style every day, sometimes the mood hits me and I'll call in and order on my way and pick it up or eat it there.  Yesterday I got my usual hot and sour soup with eggroll and took it to my break room at work.  Usually they throw in a fortune cookie and sure enough, there it was.  I cracked it open and looked at the little slip of paper: lucky numbers on one side and a saying on the other.  This time the saying, which I copied above, actually carried some meaning to me.  Of course, each day I am already compelling myself to do lots of things I would rather not do...that's just a part of toughing it out in this sometimes demanding and unkind life.  What I think the sage genius who came up with this "fortune" really meant, though, is to do something new that I don't want to do...and of course, something that is constructive and relevant.  And if it is something that carries on the next day or is a regular activity, then I keep it up while the following day I find something new I don't want to do and do it.  This way, after a year...or maybe just a couple of months...I have completely transformed my life by throwing away old bad habits, adopting good ones, and prioritizing what's important and what isn't.  H-m-m-m, and all from a happenstance fortune cookie somebody slipped into my bag of food...

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