Monday, April 8, 2019

Double Standard Between Treatment of Biden and Other Democratic Candidates

First of all, let me correct the error embedded with this article's title.  Joe Biden is not yet a candidate for president, but since the polls, media, and other candidates are already regarding him as one...and he's going around the country making political speeches like he's running, I'm going to join the pack and treat him like a candidate, too.  As soon as it was established that he would likely enter the race...and polls showed him with a clear lead over second-place Bernie Sanders, the darling of the far left, a Nevada state legislator, for whom Biden had campaigned in 2014, came out alleging he once touched her inappropriately onstage by kissing the back of her head.  Now pictures are coming out with her, an outspoken supporter of Bernie Sanders, in full-hug mode with her chosen candidate, their physical proximity apparently not an issue at all to convenient for the both of them.  Biden, who has suffered heart-breaking tragic deaths within his own family, has long reached out to others in grief, physical hugging often accompanying their meetings.  I see folks in campaigns and rallies embracing all the time...including the expedient far left candidates who've expressed criticism of Biden recently, and it seems that this story of Biden's excesses is a phony, concocted one, to (1) get rid of the one strong, relatively moderate liberal in the race and (2) clear the field of the early leader to allow others a better chance of winning.  Sanders himself probably feels entitled to the 2020 Democratic Party nomination for president, this in spite of the fact that he has refused to actually become a member of the party and that Hillary spite of all the accusations of "rigging" the primary process...received more votes than him in 2016.  But I see in Bernie Sanders supporters a lot of that ominous blind allegiance that Donald Trump engendered during his campaign and thereafter.  Ol' Bernie can do no wrong in their minds...from my perspective he's just as sneaky as Trump, refusing to release his income tax returns.  I am sick and tired of people voting by cultish adoration of idols instead of judging the candidates by their records, character, and stances on the issues that matter most to them.  For those who supported Barack Obama's presidency, backing Joe Biden...or at least giving the dude the benefit of the doubt...would be a step in restoring a sense of honor and hope to that high office...the other Democratic candidates have yet to convince me that they deserve being elected, only that they're better than the current sitting president.  And that's a pretty low bar to boast about clearing...

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