Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Florida Governor Declares State Emergency with Wildfires

For the most part, I have been enjoying the relatively dry, warm spring we've had here in northern Florida...I qualify that remark because I've been suffering from seasonal respiratory allergies as well as a sensitive throat resulting from an earlier viral infection.  But I'm taking on these issues aggressively and feel that recovery is on the advance.  Although the weather is pleasant...especially with regard to the low humidity...there is a down-side to it all: increased probability of wildfires in this area...

Perhaps you've been watching the news lately and saw the pieces about forest fires in Seminole County, just north of Orlando.  In truth there are more than 100 wildfires going on now in Florida, covering around 120,000 acres...prompting our governor, Rick Scott, to declare a state of emergency.   From around Lake Okeechobee northward, the currents fires are spread throughout the state...there is one at Hidden Lake in my Alachua County now consuming about 140 acres and another in northeastern Marion County just to the south taking up 700 acres. The outlook right now for more fires seems ominous...especially seeing how our local 2017 rainfall level so far is about half that of the previous year.  Conditions are dry, little rainfall is in sight, and we may be headed for some rough times ahead.  So far it's enjoyable being outside, but should another fire break out in the vicinity...or even as far as a hundred miles away...and the wind happens to be blowing our way, then the air may turn into something noxious with the smoke and haze.  I'm hoping that won't be the case this year, but we'd better start seeing some more precipitation if we're going to avoid that unpleasant scenario...

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