Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Springtime Quickly Shifting to Summer In North Florida

After this past almost nonexistent winter that officially ended a week ago, the weather here in northern Florida is quickly shifting into summertime mode.  Right now at 2 pm it's 85 degrees outside with temperatures expected to climb another 3 to 5 degrees.  So now, it's not quite yet "summer" weather, as summer here usually entails highs in the mid-90s...and I have to admit, it's quite pleasant sitting outside here at my favorite Gainesville Starbucks about to start in on my caramel iced coffee that I've gotten into the habit of buying.  So what's there to talk about?

Well, I've been watching C-Span2, which broadcasts the floor proceedings of the U.S. Senate.  From time to time today senators from both parties have taken the floor to discuss the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court.  The Republicans invariably bring up the Senate's constitutionally-mandated role of advise and consent and criticize the Democrats' threatened filibuster to prevent a final vote as "unprecedented" in the country's history for Supreme Court confirmations.  The Democrats, for their part, remind the Republicans that in 2016 they had a constitutionally-mandated role of advise and consent when then-President Obama selected Merrick Garland for the very same seat that Gorsuch is now being considered for and reneged on that duty...incidentally unprecedented in the country's history for Supreme Court confirmations.  But all of this verbal tennis aside, the Democrats in the end don't have the votes to prevent Gorsuch from being confirmed to the Court...if a filibuster starts to take hold, the Republicans are certain to change the Senate rules to allow only 51 votes...a simple majority...for ending debate and to hold that final vote....

Late last night at home after I was getting sleepier and sleepier...they were showing a replay of the incredible comeback that Barcelona staged in the UEFA Champions League quarterfinal round against Paris-St. Germain (aka PSG).  In the first of the two-match series, the total sum of goals determining which team advances, PSG had won 4-0, making it seem near-to-impossible for Barcelona to come back.  But in the second game, I already knew that they did just that, winning it 6-1 to win the aggregate total 6-5 and advance over PSG.  So I wanted to see just how they accomplished this near-miraculous comeback and caught the game just at the end of the first half, which they were leading 2-0.  As I struggled to remain conscious, Barcelona did come back but PSG still had a 5-3 two-game goal lead with only about 15 minutes remaining.  Then I briefly dozed off and woke up, only to find the Barcelona players celebrating their win...oh well, I guess I'll be able to see the ending sometime on YouTube...

For the last few days I haven't been running in order to clear up an occasional ache I've been experiencing in my left knee.  It's nothing severe, but I don't want it to worsen, so I'm riding the bike in the meantime.  On April 8, Gainesville will be holding a 5K/10K walk/run to benefit war refugees and I want to participate in the 10K event.  I should be ready by that time...

Now, back to the summer-like heat...and I think I'm just about ready for a refill on my iced coffee...

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