Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Miami Dolphins Thick in Playoff Hunt

Well, there are only four games left in the National Football League sixteen-game regular season and, incredibly, the Miami Dolphins are thick in the playoff hunt with a 7-5 record.  Were the season to end today, they would actually be in the playoffs, winning the tiebreakers with the several other 7-5 teams in the American Conference.  This is a team that, if anything, should have a better record...with them losing three close games late in the fourth quarter this year against playoff-caliber teams (Green Bay, Detroit, and Denver).  And they've already beaten New England in their first contest! However, the return match with the Patriots will be a road game.  Still, there is a scenario here that, should New England lose this week's road game against the very capable San Diego Chargers and Miami win their final four games, the Dolphins would be AFC East Division champions, with even a shot at a first round bye in the playoffs.  Well, I can dream, can't I?

Miami's remaining games are against Baltimore, New England, Minnesota, and New York (Jets).  All are important, but this coming weekend's game against the Ravens is crucial, seeing that both teams have identical 7-5 records.  Fortunately, the Dolphins will be playing them at home, where they will also be when they face the Vikings and Jets...