Saturday, May 31, 2014

My May 2014 Running Report

A month ago, I had, as a goal for May, for me to cover more miles per run.  Although I haven't gotten the distance to between 5 and 10 miles, as I want, I did make an improvement, with me running a couple of times for 4 miles and amassing more than 3 on several occasions.  I ran on every day in May and had a total running mileage for the month at 103.3 miles.

Lately, my running has been more of an exercise routine than before, when I was striving for new personal records and participating in various races.  But I'll accept that, for it's still doing me some good.  Before March 2013, when my work schedule changed, I used to run late in the morning when the humidity had finally dropped to an acceptable level but the temperature had yet to heat up too badly.  And on weekdays, my neighborhood had very little traffic to contend with at that time of the day, so it made running more pleasant as well.  Nowadays, though, after I wake up and am the most prepared to go running, it is mid-to-late afternoon.  There is a lot of traffic then and it is usually the hottest time of the day, not to mention more likely to be raining than before, when I would run in late morning. 

So for June, my running goals are to continue to exceed my monthly target of 100 total miles.  I'm not, however, going to pressure myself to run every day.  Instead, I want to have more of a pattern of alternating days in which I run longer distances with days in which I run little or not at all.  Should be interesting...