Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ran Seven Miles for First Time Since March

Today I crept a little further up in my quest to resume my former distance running range by managing a seven mile run, something I hadn't accomplished since March, when I also last ran a half-marathon.  It's a bit of a psychological boost for me, seeing that the distance I covered today is a little over half the 13.1 mile half-marathon distance.  There's still that local Gainesville half-marathon looming at the end of September, and it would be a personal triumph of sorts to be able to run and finish it.  As for the foot problem I have been experiencing, I believe that by performing certain daily stretching exercises, wearing snug-fitting, supportive shoes, and keeping the runs to once a day (and at the same general time), the problem has stabilized and ameliorated.  But I still have to be careful...

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