Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Will Miss Jax Half-Marathon

I probably should have known how this would go down, but I thought it was a good idea to at least set forth the goal: to run a half-marathon race each month through February. The weak link in this plan is the month of December because (1) working at the post office, I am heavily engaged in the holiday parcel processing season and (2) this is the month I would have to travel a good distance out of town to find a half-marathon race. The closest one will happen this coming Sunday morning in Jacksonville, but I will have worked late into the night before. I just don't think it will work out for me this time around.

Right now, it is enough for me to concentrate on keeping myself rested each day for work as the load and intensity increases. Some time next week, it will lighten up. But at least, while passing up on a half-marathon this month, I can continue to run a reasonable amount of miles with the idea of resuming the racing next month.

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