Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My String of Painless Runs

During the past few days, I have run on four different occasions:

April 5: 3.3 miles in 31:31
April 7: 5.8 miles in 53:24
April 10: 4.81 miles in 45:34
April 12: 6.2 miles in 57:04

The times are reflective of my typical overall pace when I am going out on longer runs: a comfortable lope between nine and ten minutes per mile. I have been more careful in my recovery from the leg injury I sustained in January. I have been mostly using the treadmill, but Sunday's 4.81 mile run was on the road. I have noticed that the treadmill creates a lesser shock on the legs upon impact, although with recovery I intend to gradually wean myself from it.

But the main news to report is that, in none of my runs did I experience any pain or even discomfort in my right knee area where my IT band injury was focused. Hooray! But I will continue to be cautiously optimistic while mixing my workouts with other activities. Like swimming, for example.

I have been assiduous with swimming on my off-days from running, doing multiple laps, gaining endurance, and practicing my breathing. I have also developed my breaststroke, although I still have a long way to go with it before I am comfortable swimming breaststroke 25-meter laps. But it seems to be the least tiring of the strokes, so learning it should add to my enjoyment of swimming.

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