Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Favorite Songs of 2010: #2

#2: These Are My Twisted Words by Radiohead

I picked up my #2 song of last year as a free download off of Radiohead's official website. They have been recording material for their upcoming album (and beyond). These Are My Twisted Words impressed me the very first time I heard it, a very rare occurrence in my long personal history of listening to music. A very fast-paced piece, it suits my long-distance running quite well. I almost want to put it on "repeat" and forget the other songs I usually play during my training!

These Are My Twisted Words is more instrumental in nature than most of Radiohead's other songs, with a very long initial buildup of drums, guitar, and string bass (or its electronic equivalent). When Thom Yorke finally breaks in with his singing, it is more of a break from the main part of the song, namely the instrumental "accompaniment".

Since These Are My Twisted Words came out for me in the middle of December last year, it is difficult for me to make it my #1 song of 2010, although it is hands-down my favorite in 2011.

So that leaves me with only the top song of 2010 to write about. Remember, this list I have composed comprises music that I just heard for the first time last year, although some songs may have come out earlier. Number one is a case in point, having been released in 2004. But I'll leave that for another time...


  1. this one little treasure is all we've had from them in so long but it still beats almost anything else out there. the guitar layers reveal themselves slowly over time and the production means all the little microtones come through beautifully.
    i can barely wait for the new album.

  2. I know, it's hard for me to put anything into words that adequately do justice to this incredible song... One just has to experience it! This band is truly the premier musical act of our time, as well as a "class" act that appreciates their fan base!
