Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ran the Florida Track Club's Tom Walker Preview 10K This Morning

Every November...unless there's a pandemic or something else dire going down...the Florida Track Club holds a half-marathon south and east along the Hawthorne Trail, titled the Tom Walker Memorial and named for a former FTC president who passed away far too young at age 38 in 1989.  The last couple of years they have also been holding an October 5K/10K race along the same trail called the Tom Walker Preview: I ran it last year and repeated this morning.  This time the race time temperature, while around 71 degrees, was accompanied by a pleasantly low humidity at 39%, according to my phone app.  Add to these factors the presence of mostly overcast skies and the conditions were very conducive to a pleasant run.  My strategy was simply to alternate five minutes of running at a steady pace with a minute of brisk walking...repeated until the run's end...oh by the way, I opted for the 10K (6.2 mile) distance.  It all went quite well, and for the last 17 minutes I had enough energy left over to just flat-out run the rest of the race, finishing with a "gun" time of 1:05:05 (chip-timed at 1:04:51)...better than planned.  Click HERE to see the "official" results posted by the Florida Track Club through Second Wind Timing. The difference between the "gun" time and "chip" time is the number of seconds it takes for the runner, often stuck back in a crowded pack, to finally reach the starting line when the race begins, so the chip time actually more accurately reflects my run from start to finish. They awarded me another coffee mug for finishing third in my age/gender category, to go with the identical one I won last month.  This race, as well as the half-marathon scheduled for November 12th, originates and ends at Boulware Springs Park off SE 15th Street, accessible via Hawthorne Road.  I was also hoping that the Tyler's Hope 15K, held at the same location in the past in early December, would already be on the racing calendar but perhaps they're not holding it this year...that would be sad.  A few minutes after this morning's run I decided to run north along the trail to SE 22nd Avenue and additional 1.5 miles.  It's been a good running day for me so far...I think I'll rest a bit for the remainder and watch sports on TV...

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