Thursday, September 14, 2023

News Outlets Manipulative, Revolting

When I start up my computer, I get this Microsoft news feed on my screen.  It is loaded with provocative article headings, designed to inflame the readers' passions and have them click on them.  The underlying article is almost always completely different in tone and message from its misleading title...unfortunately, it's not just on my computer screen where this happens.  Even on the evening news, the host will feed teasers about a really important news development that he or she will present later on in the show...the actual story is often usually as short as the teaser!  I am so bummed out on the news, not so much by what is happening, but rather how it all is presented, even on so-called unbiased programs and sites.  I truly pity people who actually rely on and believe these manipulators of information...even more so the ones who voluntarily impose upon themselves a bubble in which they seek out sources that reinforce their biased narratives and avoid all others.  I'm looking forward with some trepidation to the next national election, in which millions of information zombies may well elect the next president and Congress.  Maybe Musk is right: is it too late for me to sign up for Mars?

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