Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Weather Here Still Sucks, By the Way

Let's see, the last article on this blog I wrote about the local weather sucking was on June 25...don't get any ideas that anything's gotten better: it hasn't.  The heat/humidity combination is the worst I've experience here in Gainesville, and it's been bad in summers past.  We're also getting bombed with torrential rains coming seemingly out of nowhere.  Early yesterday afternoon I was driving in sunny weather to work, planning to stop off at the Publix right next to my workplace.   But as I got to about a mile from my destination, I saw a rapidly moving zone of darkness in the sky headed straight toward me...suddenly I was in the middle of it, struggling to see through my deluged and foggy windshield on managing to finally park it at my workplace, abandoning any hope that day for a grocery visit.  And even though the rain finally abated some, the localized flooding it created made me have to walk through some suddenly very deep puddles just to get into my building.  Conditions like these recently have also contributed to my personal respiratory allergies, as weeds and other allergen-producing plants are rapidly growing out of control.  The only relief from this I see is to confine myself to air conditioning...and take a vacation out of the area starting July 23rd: looking forward to that...

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