Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Game of the Week: Parcheesi


Parcheesi is an old board game I used to play often with my family when I was growing up...it's dubbed a "Backgammon game of India".  From two to four players can participate, each one using four pieces...the pictured game has two players.  The pieces all start in the assigned circular "nest" and can only start out on the board's pathway after a dice roll of five.  Players can move their pieces according to their dice rolls, splitting them up according to the numbers...say you roll a "6" and "3"...then you can move one piece 6 spaces and another 3...or choose to move one of your pieces "9".  As in the mythical Jumanji, doubles gets an extra turn.  If you land on a white space occupied by an opponent's piece, you send it back to their "nest" and they must start over with it.  Each piece must make its way all around the board and then go up the red pathway to the center of the board, called "home".  The first player to get all their pieces "home" wins the game.  Part of the strategy of Parcheesi I liked was the "blockade", whereby two of one's pieces placed in the same space can prevent others from passing it...but I noticed that some of my family members back then tended to get angry if a blockade lasted "too long".  At this time I don't own a Parcheesi game, but am considering picking one up.  It's a mix of strategy and luck, so winning means something but only to a limited degree.  I wonder how Trump would react to playing it...I imagine the first time he lost he'd complain that it was all "rigged"...

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