Saturday, April 17, 2021

About Republican Election Reform and Voter Participation

The push by Republican-controlled state legislatures to change election laws has caused alarm and accusations of suppression and discrimination against minorities in order to ensure their own party's victories in future elections. I understand the concerns, especially the cynicism involved in the timing, following so closely in the aftermath of the 2020 elections in which the presidency and U.S. Senate switched to Democratic control...high minority turnout spelled the difference.  There's only one problem I see with the criticisms, though. From where I stand, the act of voting is not only a right, but a civic duty that should require some active engagement and discipline on the part of the voter...and that means to be consistent about participating in whatever elections that come up, not just the "sexy" ones with a charismatic candidate or one that evokes strong negative feelings.  Barack Obama was elected in 2008...and reelected in 2012...with fervent, emotional support from the black community: I supported him twice myself.  Yet in the off-year elections in 2010 and 2014 that followed these Democratic victories, voter turnout from this group plummeted...with the same election laws in place, and the Republicans not only won back the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, but also many state legislatures and governorships...including that of some so-called "blue" states.  But I NEVER hear this in the mass could Florida go for liberal Obama and then for a right-winger like Rick Scott for governor in the intervening years? The answer is simple: much of the electorate DELIBERATELY chose to sit on their hands and let the conservatives win those off-year had nothing to do with voting suppression on the part of the Republicans.  In 2022 if the Republicans win back control of the Senate and/or the well as keep control of "blue state" will be not because Democratic voters were denied their rights, but rather because they refused to get off their collective butts and vote.  Case in point: in my home town of Gainesville we had two city commission races in March, one by district and one the whole city was involved.  As per last year's presidential election, mail-in ballots were sent out...I imagine the same amount as last year. But even with all this incredible convenience...not even postage required for the ballots...only 11% of the eligible voters took part!  So please don't talk to me about voter suppression...if you live in Gainesville you're most likely one of those who passed up on your precious "right" last month: really, how much effort does it take to fill in a bubble or two, stick the ballot in the envelope, sign and seal it, and then stick it in the mailbox??!!

My main concern with this new legislation is that some of it was drafted and passed by lawmakers whom I regard as fascistic...that is, those who denied the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election amid false claims of fraud and were in favor of overturning it to keep loser/fascist Trump in power.  The voters' verdict at the polls should never be subject to the whims of partisan legislators afterwards...a part of Georgia's bill did just that, though.  That having been said, there are other criticisms to the reform efforts in that state that I think are a bit overblown.  For example, the number of mail-in drop boxes was drastically reduced from last year, which was the COVID-19 pandemic case you've already forgotten...but not from previous levels.  That a picture ID is required for mail-in voting is somehow being depicted as Jim Crow in nature...what's that all about? They added a measure to it banning outside groups from providing water to voters in line at the polling places...although politically foolish of them to include this provision I wonder if we've really come to this ridiculously passive, victimized level of thinking where we act like we're plants that have to depend on others to water us: just fill up an old bottle with tap water and take it with you, for crying out loud!  And the notion that voting was banned after 5 pm was a flat-out lie, sadly echoed by President Biden...who has long had a penchant for sticking his foot in his mouth when off-script.  Hey, I'm a Democrat but I think the outrage over much of this Republican-generated reform legislation is a little uneven: just stick to the fascist-leaning parts that truly threaten our representative democracy and cut it with the BS, please.  And if you're a Democrat with an axe to grind about voter suppression, how about you stop cherry-picking which elections you feel like participating in?

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