Friday, November 22, 2019

Quote of the Week...from Amy Klobuchar

I'm not going to go for things just because they sound good on a bumper sticker and then throw in a free car.  We have an obligation to have people's backs, be honest about what we can pay for, and be smart about how we do it.                                             Amy Klobuchar.

Amy Klobuchar is the senior senator from Minnesota and a Democratic candidate for president in 2020.  The above quote she made at Wednesday night's Democratic presidential debate I picked up on a retweet from Utah's independent conservative Republican Evan McMullin, who "liked" her statement.  If you're ever wondering why Senator Klobuchar is my first choice among the candidates for president, what she said pretty much exemplifies my respect for her reasonability.  Not that I agree with all of her most of the rest of the Democratic field Klobuchar tends to treat Trump like he's the most despicable creature on Earth: I'm not a personal fan of him either, but my dislike isn't to the extent of the "resisters" and I find myself agreeing with some of his positions on issues, especially those relating to national defense and border security...but then again I recognize that this election is essentially a referendum on Donald Trump and the opposition sees its own unity in terms of going after him.  The Minnesota senator has always been wildly popular in her home state, her constituents recognizing her attention to their concerns by rewarding her with repeat landslide election victories there.  Klobuchar is one of those senators who tend to steer away from "horizontal" tit-for-tat partisan politics in her role there and instead works within her caucus and with the Republicans to try and come up with bills that advance issues she deems important...which I think most Americans want our elected officials to be doing instead of whining and shoving at each other like petulant little babies.  When I'm watching C-Span2, the channel that covers live the U.S. Senate proceedings...and Senator Klobuchar takes the floor to speak, I know that I'm about to be briefed well on an important issue, with the speaker rationally presenting its pros and cons without impugning the integrity of the opposition, expressing her conclusion while encouraging others...usually on the other side of the join her effort.  I think she would make a fantastic president and is only far back in the pack of Democratic candidates because the vast majority of her party's potential supporters are placing their current hopes in Joe Biden, who quite frankly has disappointed me so far this campaign season.  It's still a long way off from March's Florida Primary...if I had to vote right now it would be for Amy Klobuchar, although as she is such a reasonable person I don't think she'll stay in the campaign too long after Iowa and New Hampshire if her candidacy doesn't eventually catch on...

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