Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Miserable Rain-Soaked August in Gainesville

While I was out of the state for the previous week I heard reports from Gainesville that it was continually raining and storming.  Happy that in contrast it was only drizzling half the time where I was, I looked forward to getting back home Wednesday evening, thinking that this northern Florida precipitation cycle had run its course.  Only one problem: it continued raining, and raining, and raining.  Retention ponds in our area are at near-overflowing levels and a section of Newberry Road had a sign stating "road under water" when I never had a problem there during all the years I've driven down it.  And now I look at the weather forecast for this week: Monday, rain, Tuesday, rain, Wednesday, rain, Thursday, rain, Friday, rain...

Back on June 13th I wrote about how rainy it had been that month up to that point, but August has it beat by a longshot.  This morning while on the way to church I noticed something strange in the sky...turned out it was sunshine, but now I wonder whether I had imagined the whole incident as the skies around me since then have been a constant grey with rain continually soaking the already saturated ground...

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