Saturday, August 11, 2018

Still Bemoaning Rise of Facebook

I've written before about how I bemoan the rapid rise of Facebook and its disastrous effect on independent personal blogging.  Just when millions of people were increasingly posting blogs and connecting with interested readers across their community, country...and even the world, here comes this social media website that reversed the trend, drew away most of those bloggers, and made interpersonal internet communications primarily a matter between people within a predetermined social circle of friends, family, and associates.  My blog is NOT a Facebook blog...the only reason I put a link to it on this site is to make it available to what readers are left: not doing so would be like just walking outside and reading it to the air, unlike a decade ago when people actively explored the blogosphere and my articles made Google's search engine at a higher level.  I am disappointed but not surprised that Facebook not only is suppressing certain postings among its users that are more conservative or Christian, but also that even within the already established group of Facebook Friends on my account it uses an algorithm that prevents most of them from even accessing it unless they deliberately (and inconveniently) click on my account...

I felt that during the first decade of this century the internet was evolving toward a truly cosmopolitan system of communications that bypassed censorship and gave people the chance to freely exchange their philosophies and opinions with each other.  Instead, it seems we now have something in Facebook that is stagnant and condescendingly paternalistic with its meddling into its users' chosen topics and its assumptions as to who gets to read them.  I do appreciate those who are able and choose to read my blog through the link I provide on Facebook, but looking at the big picture I wish it had never come about.  Who knows what amazing, sophisticated networks of worldwide communications we would have developed instead had independent blogging just been allowed to run its natural course...

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