Monday, April 24, 2017

2017 NHL Playoffs Enter Second Round

I was thinking about writing an article today about hierarchical social structures and how some put in positions of authority over others confuse their own personal self-images with the posts they have been given temporary stewardship over, resulting in arrogance, micromanagement and disrespect toward those in subordinate positions...but seeing how I'm pressed for time right now, I think I'll defer what will probably be a lengthy essay to another day and instead briefly comment on the National Hockey League playoff picture, now that the first round is over...

I have loosely followed the NHL off and on since the early 1970s without really knowing the rules of the game...I'm a product of South Florida, never having touched a hockey stick, much less ice-skate (or roller-skate, for that matter).  I'm sure that if I had, then I would better appreciate how the players are forced to move on the rink and thus would be more aware of the subtleties of this game.  But I can still be a spectator, and now I think I've got the rules bring on the hockey!  I haven't been able to follow very many games in this year's Stanley Cup championship playoffs as I work during weekday evenings and can only see the tail end of the late, western games after I get home past midnight.  Still, this past weekend and the one before, I was able to watch quite a a matter of fact, I saw at least a little action in each and every one of the eight first-round series...

Defending Stanley Cup champions Pittsburgh, as expected, handled Columbus and Anaheim, likewise heavily favored, took care of Calgary in short order.  Underdog Nashville, on the other hand, stunned Chicago in a four-game sweep and St. Louis surprised disappointing Minnesota in their series.  That's four series that were relatively short and lopsided.  The other four series all went 4-2 and were usually competitive and exciting...this 2017 first round set an NHL record for most overtime matches in a single round.  Although one of their two losses to defending Stanley Cup finalist San Jose was a 7-0 drubbing, Edmonton, in the playoffs for the first time in many years, won the close contests and beat the Sharks.  The New York Rangers, my remaining favorite now that the Blackhawks have been eliminated, slipped by Montreal.  Ottawa won a thrilling overtime game over Boston to advance, while Washington, sporting the best regular season record in the league, ousted upstart Toronto with its overachieving rookie lineup, again in overtime, to get to the next round...

And now here we are in round two with eight teams.  Two of the upcoming series, Pittsburgh vs. Washington and Anaheim vs. Edmonton, are between teams that had especially strong regular seasons and were regarded as favorites.  The other two, St. Louis vs. Nashville and Ottawa vs. the New York Rangers (especially the former), pit teams that some folks didn't think would have advanced this far.  Although I'm supporting the Rangers, I just enjoying watching any of the matches as they are played at this high level of skill and continue to learn more about the different strategies employed by the players to gain an upper hand over the opposing side...

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