Saturday, December 24, 2016

Rachel Maddow and Mark Levin Good Opinion Sources from Left and Right

As the Obama administration winds down and Donald Trump prepares to take over as our president, I find myself wondering how best to filter what's happening in Washington...and what will happen...through our complex media.  We have our cable news channels like the supposedly neutral CNN and the obviously partisan Fox News and MSNBC.  But I've noticed that CNN often will present less of substance than its two more biased competitors...mainly because of its habit of putting on various spin doctors on different issues and setting them off against each other, with the result often being constant interruptions and inane statements from the participants.  I think I would rather hear a biased presentation that gives out more analysis and detail on issues than this "evenhanded", shallow programming.  And let's not even start to go down the road of social media, with just about any conceivable lie or false innuendo considered as fair game for expression, unchecked, on Facebook or Twitter.  Instead I will focus my regular attention, besides watching the U.S. House and Senate proceedings on C-Span and C-Span2, respectively, on two admittedly slanted programs: the very conservative Mark Levin radio show and the very liberal Rachel Maddow hour on MSNBC.  I picked these two because I believe Levin and Maddow each have a strong personal belief system on which they base their political views...and are honest and straightforward about expressing them.  I feel that with these two, neither of whom probably has a very high opinion of the other, I am much more likely to see deeply into the issues of the day without the demagoguery I have come to expect from other shows.  So don't be surprised to read me paraphrasing these two ideologically very different...but very intelligent, talented, and effective at communicating...individuals in the future on this blog.  I usually watch Rachel Maddow's program weeknights during its repeat showing from midnight to one.  Mark Levin does his radio show weeknights from six to nine and can be heard in Gainesville on 97.3/WSKY...