Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Warm Winter in Gainesville Has Its Ups and Downs

In spite of all of the winter storms afflicting the eastern part of the United States north of Florida, in this state, at least, it has been yet another remarkably warm winter.  There have been very few nights here in Gainesville (in the northern part of the state) when temperatures got down to freezing...although in many years past we would go through spells when it would plunge into the 20's, sometimes for several nights at a time.  And now, still technically in the winter, we have a forecast today for a high of 87 degrees...with little change in the next few days!  I suppose that I should be grateful that we haven't experienced the almost continuous sequence of severe snow and ice storms, with their accompanying drifts and treacherous roads, that has caused so much hardship in the states north of us, and also that during this very mild winter here it has rained to a good degree...that will help forestall springtime forest fires that have plagued us in the past.  But with the warmth here also comes an increase in pollen, something that affects people like me who suffer from respiratory allergies.  Also, I am not a gardener by nature and would just as soon spend my time doing things other than working in the yard, so I'm not looking forward to the outdoor trimming and maintenance facing me earlier than usual due to the warm weather's vegetation growth spurt...