Friday, December 5, 2014

Good Eleven Mile Run Today

Today I had a solid run of eleven miles, which I ended at that distance not because I was too tired to go on, but rather because I had other things to do.  Still, this represents my longest single run since my Orange Blossom Half-Marathon in Tavares back in March, 2013...just before plantar fasciitis in my right foot "kicked" in.  Well, my feet now seem to be "hanging" in there O.K. so far, so I suppose I'll continue to press the mileage back up to a level that I feel reflects better on my identity as a runner.

In spite of my increasing mileage, I have not returned to my old pattern of running around designated courses on my neighborhood streets (and in nearby locations on longer runs).  Instead, I have marked off a running path in my rather sizable backyard and spend my longer runs there.  It's certainly not as interesting as road running, but at the same time I have quick access to the conveniences of home and can still listen to my MP3 player while running.  If there's rain in the forecast or it's already begun to drizzle, I can still go running until the rainfall gets too strong...and then step back into the house.  Also, in my backyard I feel much safer about running in the nighttime, something that I never felt at ease doing on the streets...for a couple of reasons: drivers tend not to see runners (or pedestrians in general, for that matter) and differences in the terrain may be harder to spot at night.  Still, I think that it would be a good idea to go back out on my old neighborhood courses every now and the daytime in good weather, of course...