Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This Blog Now Seven Years Old

It is now exactly seven years to the day since I began this blog, and I have tried with mixed results to produce daily articles.  It is personally-themed, partially about stuff going on in my life and partially about my opinions on different topics I pick up on in the media.  But most of all, it represents a daily discipline of writing for me...along with the presentation of that writing for public inspection.  Hope you enjoy reading it!

As of today, my blog contains 2,262 articles.  You are welcome to go through the archives, which you can access in the upper left margin.  If there is a special topic, then by clicking on a label at the bottom of an entry (this entry naturally contains the labels ANNIVERSARY, BLOG), this will reveal the articles I've written that include the theme you're interested in.  Or, you might just want to pick out a block of time in the past and see what was going on then.

I try in this blog to be upbeat about my personal life, while steering clear of anything hinting of gossip.  Sometimes I do make some statements about society and people in general, and I will discuss public figures by name since, well, they are public.  If you discern where I'm at politically (and I don't hold back in this area), then in all probability it won't exactly be where you are politically...please keep in mind that I respect others who don't share my opinions on the issues and also to please don't take things personally: in the end I'm just one person among some seven billion!

During the past few weeks I have begun posting links to my blog on Facebook and Twitter.  I enjoy reading others' posts on these two remarkable social media sites, but my main purpose here is to make my writing more available for reading.  Maybe at some time in the future I'll be more interactive with Facebook, but for now this blog will just have to suffice...