Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Time to Add Some Variety to Running Surroundings

I recently received an e-mail promoting and upcoming running race: the 5K Gator Gauntlet Medieval Mud Run.  It will be as much an obstacle course as it will a running race, and mud is definitely on the menu!  Not exactly my cup of tea, though: I just want to run, much the same way that the late Freddie Mercury of Queen sang about just wanting to ride his bicycle.  But are there any simple running races anywhere in the near future around here?  Not that I can see, at least until the July 4th three-mile Melon Run.  And then, little or nothing for months following that.  Well, that's a bummer...

Seeing how my local community of greater Gainesville seems to be on the skids regarding public running races for the next few months, perhaps I should take matters into my own hands and do something to at least create some running variety for myself during the next few months.  I'm not talking about organizing any races, though.  No, I'll still be running solo, but in different places...

I have habitually either run in my own home neighborhood or on one of my local YMCA's treadmills.  But in reality, I could run just about anywhere I wanted.  So what if I run down a busy city street and have to stop from time to time at intersections?  Why not design different courses all of the Gainesville city map (and beyond)?  More to  come about this...

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