Saturday, August 20, 2011

Oppressive Humidity Lingers

Last Sunday morning I had a horrible run and recovery in Hollywood, Florida. The humidity and temperature were both in the low-to-mid 80's, a very unfriendly environment to try to run any appreciable distance. Just standing outside under these conditions can be oppressive. A half hour ago I checked the temperature and humidity: the same hot, heavy blanket of air outside, back here in Gainesville. And it still hasn't changed much by now, either. I don't know why conditions are so humid when last year at this time of the day the sun had dried the air considerably (while heating up). I am used to very humid early mornings, but always by 10 it had dipped to under 70%. I can't wait for the afternoon to run as I have a job to report to. Oh well, I guess it's going to be the treadmill for a while...

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