Saturday, April 9, 2011

This Blog Now Four Years Old

Four years and one day ago, I began this blog. Now, some 1,300-plus articles later, it seems to be pretty much the same as how I began it: a hodgepodge of topics ranging from personal to philosophical to news and opinion to sports and entertainment. With a little weather thrown in on the side...

I don't know from day to day exactly what I will be writing about. Some days I either can't think of anything or I don't have the time, and that day lapses as a gap in the blog. But for the most part, I have tried successfully to publish something on a daily basis (even if it's silly).

I have no intention to end this blog anytime soon. In fact, I have some ideas up my sleeve to increase readership. But I will continue along the same format I have been using.

By the way, feel free to ready ANY of the many articles I have written since April 2007 and comment on any you'd like: I will read them all (and maybe comment on your comment). And there's no need to identify yourself either: just comment anonymously or leave a pseudonym instead of your actual name if you prefer.

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