Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happyland in Vietnam

Yesterday I read a short article in the Gainesville Sun about a project on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam: the resort theme park Happyland. Construction on the $2 billion complex of five-star hotels, shops, and a full theme park has just begun and is slated for opening in 2014. Joe Jackson, Michael Jackson's father, is a major investor and attended ceremonies there marking the start of the construction. He stated, among other things, that he wanted to bring happiness to the Vietnamese people with this park, apparently patterned to a degree after Michaels's private Neverland park in California.

I say "fine" to all of this, with one caveat: it seems to me that the "happiness" that the Vietnamese people will ultimately derive from Happyland will be from the money that foreign tourists shell out there that in turn goes into the Vietnamese economy, further stimulating tourism and related businesses. This doesn't seem like Disney World to me, where one can find ordinary working people spending some time with their families. They will want to generate a lot of revenue from the park, and the price will most like reflect what relatively wealthy foreign tourists can afford, not what the average hard-working Vietnamese person has to offer. I'd like to think otherwise, but this seems awfully exclusive to me. But I could be proven wrong.

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