Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Running Update

Since my vacation began earlier this month, my total running mileage output has diminished, although I have consistently maintained my workout routine. Part of the reason was that I traveled to New York and was distracted by the itinerary of the trip as well as by the fact that it was hard to pile up miles will all of the people in the streets mulling around. But the main reason I have not been running the longer distances I had since January is simply that the weather here in north central Florida has warmed. I think it's getting close to night-running time!

Last night, the University of Florida sponsored, for purely recreational purposes, not charity (how refreshing), a midnight 5K run around campus. I intended to work my shift, get off at 11, and head on down to UF to sign up and run it. But I was too tired and my right calf felt a little stiff (I had run 5.58 miles earlier in the day). So I passed up on this opportunity. I'm not sure that races this short are really what I want to be involving myself with, anyway. The only problem is, at this time of the year in Florida, they tend to be the only available races.

Still, I'm happy with my simple running routine. But since the temperatures are certain to skyrocket in the next few weeks, I need to get some night gear like reflective tape and a headband flashlight. Running around my own familiar neighborhood regularly at night, I suppose, is the next step. But running through the more hilly UF campus late at night also carries its own appeal. Ultimately, with whatever course I choose, my goal is to run my longer distances again, this time at night. At least until the cooler temperatures come back in late fall.

After all, I want to be in good shape to tackle my primary running goal for the remainder of this year: enter, run, and finish a full-length (26.2 miles) marathon race somewhere.

I'm thinking, though, that running after sunset or around midnight may not be suited for me. I work evenings and am usually tired late at night. Better to rise early in the morning around 4 or 5 and try my night running then. The temperatures are almost always the coolest at that time, anyway.

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