Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Physical Therapy and My Reactions

Over the course of my adult life, I have had the occasion to use the physical therapy services provided by UF Health on three different occasions.  In 2003, after I strained my right shoulder trying to change a flat tire, I went to their office at Magnolia Parke off NW 39th Avenue and submitted to their plan, which largely involved resistance training with plastic bands...very low tech and portable.  Then, following my open-heart surgery in 2021 in which my chest was literally sawed through and then fastened to fuse back together, I had to regain upper body strength and movement...for this they sent a physical therapist to my home.  He worked out yet another low-tech program of both upper and lower body exercises designed to restore flexibility and strength, and I use it to this day, incorporating elements into my stretching and exercise routine.  My latest foray into the world of physical therapy is ongoing, a product of my lower back spasms back in June.  Once again, I am back at the physical therapy office, but this time around the program seems to be more athletically oriented, with me working out on exercise machines that I have to go to my gym to access.  Now I am a member of a local gym, but it's not the easiest place to get to and it's usually pretty crowded, too, while the ever-changing machines I'm referred to are hard to find among the many types they have there.  I appreciate my physical therapist's knowledge of what needs to be strengthened with me in order to avoid further problems, but at the same time wonder whether he couldn't fashion a varied routine that I could more easily practice at home without all the fancy equipment.  Also, with my current regimen everything seems to change each time I go there...that, I understand, is called "progression", but it's difficult to keep on track with what I'm supposed to be doing from one week to the next.  Oh well, I have just a few more weeks of this...I'll go along with the program but think I'll suggest a more convenient and enduring set of exercises that I can more readily perform at home...

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