Friday, June 23, 2023

Quote of the Week...from a Fortune Cookie

Many a false step was made by standing still.      ---Fortune Cookie

I lifted the above "fortune cookie" quote straight out of the book I'm currently reading, The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss.  It's full of some pretty interesting quotes, and I find just about all of them profound, yet riddled with caveats...including this one. I think that you need some discerning wisdom to determine when, in the midst of a situation, to act and when to lay back...especially when it comes to speaking truth to people.  Since the book I'm reading is a pretty serious call to action, though, the author's intent is to get people to be bolder in taking initiatives in their lives...and doing the many little things that can bring about the fruition of their dreams. There's another quote in this book that says to do at least one thing each day that scares you.  Well, both fear and hesitation can be good or bad things, depending on your circumstances and what you're trying to accomplish.  I think first you need to figure out what you want and come up with a rough plan in which to direct yourself to it.  Then, well as facing obstructive definitely in order.  But I also think it's important to wisely choose your battles in life and to develop a sense of contentment and gratitude as well, an appreciation of this present moment.  It's all a matter of balance...    

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