Tuesday, November 30, 2021

My November 2021 Running and Walking Report

In November I ran a total of 100 miles, with a slow and easy 10 mile run on the 23rd being my longest single run.  I missed running on 3 days due to feeling under the weather.  With walking, I covered 102 miles for the month, most of my mileage coming from walking back and forth at work. November has been a positive month for me with both running and walking, and my endurance has greatly strengthened.  Still, I recognize that my progress since the July 15th heart operation to replace a defective valve and repair and aneurism has not been linear, but rather an up-and-down curve over the weeks, with the net result being on the upside. With this in mind, my goals...both in terms of increasing my runs and in engaging in public running races...are contingent on where I happen to be on that fluctuating curve at any given time.  I had planned on running in Gainesville's weekly Depot Park 5K race this past Saturday, but when I woke up it was 36 degrees...maybe I'll wait a week or two and see what the weather's like then. The Florida Track Club has scheduled for late January 2022 its Newnan's Lake 15K, which I've enjoyed running a number of times in the past.  And in February we'll see a return in Gainesville of the Five Points of Life half-marathon...although they seem to have cut the full 26.2-mile marathon from this event.  In a perfect, linear world of constant, incremental improvement and fantastic weather I would run a couple of Depot Park races, the Newnan Lake 15K, and top it off with the Five Points half-marathon.  That's how I'm looking at it now at the close of November...let's see how it all materializes, though, in this somewhat less-than-perfect existence... 

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