Saturday, March 20, 2021

About Where We're Going with COVID

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that, after all this time of lockdown, social distancing and mask mandates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, people who are fully vaccinated...along with those who have contracted it in the past and recovered...cannot finally return to some semblance of normal life and shake off the distancing and masks: I'd also like to be able to browse the shelves of my local public library again some day, thank you...if it ever opens to the general public again.  The other day Senator Rand Paul (R, KY) was arguing with disease expert Anthony Fauci over the need for those recovered or vaccinated to continue wearing masks, Paul taunting those already vaccinated for even wearing double masks just for show...I'd been wondering the same thing myself.  Fauci's response was, to me, chilling: it's the variants of this coronavirus out there across the world that is the reason for continuing this, and that "herd immunity", which seems to be the standard for completely reopening the society, will always be questioned as long as there is any place on Earth where the disease is still active...because of these new variants they keep discovering, you see.  Of course, in Texas they've already completely done away with any government-mandated masks or restrictions even though we're still in the thick of the fight to prevent COVID's spread: that's way too early!  But there will have to be a point...maybe sometime this summer...when everyone in the U.S. wanting vaccines has had access to them and that booster shots for variants are in full swing: can we then please go back to sitting inside Starbucks and participate in running races, concerts and assemblies, or has a sea change occurred in our society and we're now and forever going to be germophobes with hand sanitizer dispensers around every corner and doing Detective Monk imitations while feeling we're constantly on the verge of new restrictions?  Sean Hannity, someone I generally loathe, recently tweeted...with the lead-in comment "HERE WE GO"... a link to another disease expert who was extolling the idea of social distancing and mask-wearing every flu season from now on.  I received my first Pfizer vaccine three days ago and will get my second one early next month. I will continue to respect the mask and distancing guidelines while they are in place as I already have, going on a full year, because I take this terrible scourge seriously.  But at some time in the not-too-distant future, this country will have a reckoning as to which direction we're going with this doesn't make me feel any better to find myself even only in partial agreement with both (ugh) Rand Paul and (mega-ugh) Sean Hannity, the latter whom I regard as an anti-American fascist because of his past support for overthrowing the free and fair 2020 presidential election in favor of his cult idol: dictator-wannabee and pandemic-denier Donald Trump...

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