Sunday, April 26, 2020

Another Long Weekend Training Run

Earlier today I was able to go out on one of my long weekend training runs, covering 11.1 miles.  As has been the case recently, I run up and down residential streets in my subdivision and the adjacent one here in far northern Gainesville as well as a three-mile there-and-back stretch on the rather sloping asphalt walkway along NW 53rd Avenue.  Today I decided to extend my course a little and, turning right at the corner of 53rd and 43rd Street, I ran past the empty Starbucks, finally turning back at Talbot Elementary School.  I had planned on possibly exceeding my 13.3-mile run from earlier in the month but some factors went against it as I found my energy level dropping too much at the end.  One cause was that looking back on it, I simply kept up too fast of a pace.  Another was that compared to the earlier run, it was warmer and more humid...although not by a lot and I've run long distances before when it was much hotter.  I also didn't load up on carbs the day before when anticipating a long run, so my reserves just weren't there.  Still, I did surpass ten miles and am satisfied with the run...let's see what I can do next weekend!  Usually when I'm running past the houses in my neighborhood it all resembles a ghost town...even on the weekends few people are out and about.  But with this stay-at-home situation going on around us because of the pandemic, the people were popping out all over the place in their yards, cars, garages, sitting in front of their houses, walking, running, cycling...I probably ran a longer distance than I gave myself credit for with all the street crossing I did to maintain social distancing with passers-by.  I'm grateful that I have this outlet of running available for me during these times...I seem to be recovering well from today's run, although my leg muscles do seem a bit sore...

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