Saturday, December 28, 2019

Enjoying New Disney Plus Service on TV, Especially Winnie the Pooh

Having just received a Christmas gift of Disney Plus, I can now reference many movies and television series on Roku that had been unavailable to me.  I'm especially a big fan of the cartoon Winnie the Pooh series and associated movies.  I'm now going through the New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh episode by episode, in the original chronological order from 1988 to 1991...and once again enjoy the distinctive personalities of the different characters: phlegmatic, honey-loving and absent-minded Winnie, melancholy and wise Eeyore, fun-loving and gregarious Tigger, timid and empathetic Piglet, hard-working and choleric Rabbit...along with Kanga, Roo, Gopher, and Owl...are the main citizens of the Hundred Acre Woods and the product of little boy Christopher Robin's vivid imagination with his stuffed animal toys.  Of course, it's all based on the original books written by A. A. Milne in the 1920s.  The movies are available as well, Pooh's Grand Adventure: the Search for Christopher Robin being my favorite of the lot.  So now when the vast wasteland of the current state of affairs on television inevitably rears its ugly head to me late at night (sorry for the mixed metaphors), I now have something else to resort to besides old reruns of The Prisoner and Mr. Bean...

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