Saturday, August 17, 2019

Our Recent Trip to Indiana

I had never been to Indiana before our Southwest flight landed on the Indianapolis airport runway in the evening nine days ago and we made our way via rental car to the small northeastern city of Marion. There on Saturday, my wife graduated with her Master's from Indiana Wesleyan University's Wesley Seminary.  Our son Will and I met many of Melissa's classmates, professors, and college leaders...what friendly, caring people they are with such a sweet spirit everywhere!  We thoroughly enjoyed the ceremonies and the campus and then explored Marion itself while enjoying their local restaurants.  I thought that this was a great little city...their northside Matter Park with its many facilities and beautiful garden and the miles-long Riverwalk trail (all three of us are walkers) were outstanding...I've included some photos of them along with Melissa's graduation...

On Sunday the three of us went by car into Chicago, the other half of our planned vacation...more on that in future articles.  On the way we saw many, many fields of corn and soybean...the former keenly reminded me of that famous cornfield scene with Cary Grant and the crop duster from Alfred Hitchcock's thriller North by Northwest...once we even saw a little plane that resembled the one from the film.  I really liked our Indiana experience, although we saw little of Indianapolis other than its airport and the Interstates leading through and out of it.  I wonder whether we'll make it back to Marion some day.  By the way, in that first photo Melissa is second from the left in the second row...the faculty and seminary leadership are seated in the front row...

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