Thursday, July 6, 2017

7/2 Sermon on Everyday Heroes, Pt. 1

At The Family Church here in Gainesville, a new Sunday morning message series has begun, titled Everyday Heroes, and which each week examines a different Biblical character...some well known, and some like this week's subject: Phoebe from Paul's book of Romans, Chapter 16, Verses 1-2.  Here is that short text, in the New International Version via Bible Gateway:

1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. 2 I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people, including me.

Jeff Moody, the church's missions coordinator, together with his wife Kem, presented the message. Jeff explained, while going though the verses, that Phoebe was a gentile woman from that church in Cenchreae, Greece (then under dominion of the Roman Empire) who in all likelihood was given the great responsibility (and danger) of transporting and delivering the written text of Paul's epistle (i.e. letter) to the Christians in Rome...remember that there were no printing presses around at the time.  This all occurred during the reign of Emperor Claudius, whose rule predated that of Nero, the eventual executioner of Paul when he was later imprisoned in Rome.  Jeff also brought up two interesting Greek words in the verses: diakonos and prostatisDiakonos is translated as being "deacon" or "servant"...not much difference here since the early church deacons were in essence servants.  Phoebe is also described by the word prostatis, translated as "benefactor", "protector", or "leader".   But, as Kem pointed out, Phoebe's identity, which rested in the Kingdom of God, and her message, which was the good news of redemption through Christ, were far more important than her demographic circumstances, be it her family of origin or her gender. Kem brought it all together by emphasizing that each of us Phoebe did...use our particular station in life as a level of jurisdiction through which in Christ we can establish and practice our leadership and service.  Very thought-provoking...and inspiring as well.  Thank you, Moodys!

You can view Jeff and Kem's message from The Family Church YouTube video website.  Here is a link to that sermon: [link].  The Family Church is located at 2022 SW 122nd Street and holds its Sunday morning services at 9:30 and 11.  Looking forward to next week...

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