Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Yesterday's City Commission Runoff Election, Deplorable Turnout

In yesterday's Gainesville City Commission runoff elections, Harvey Budd and Charles Goston squeaked out very narrow victories over their respective opponents Jay Curtis and Yvonne Hinson Rawls.  The turnout was an abysmal 11.8% of registered voters.  Goston won his election by only 69 votes.

I keep hearing how we're supposed to honor our brave young men and women in the armed forces who defend our liberties with their service and have done so over the course of our country's history.  And I do honor and respect them.  One way that I do this is to take seriously the hard-won liberty of being able to choose our own leaders and representatives through the democratic voting process.  Apparently though, 88.2% of Gainesville's registered voters don't agree with me about the value of their collective and individual sacrifices for our freedoms...freedoms which too many take for granted...