Monday, November 5, 2012

My Election Recommendation

On this day before the big presidential election, it's time for me to give my recommendation: vote for ________ (YOU fill in the blank).  I myself have made up my mind a long time ago as to how I'll be voting.  My choice, in all honesty, is primarily based on my own, personal interests: the "other guy", if elected will in all likelihood work to destroy my job and retirement.  I can submerge this feeling and pretend to be voting based on some philosophical pretext or on a more general level of the "national interest", but I won't.  Maybe that's selfish of me, but then again, maybe that's how you should be voting, too. 

I'm hearing too much of this overgeneralized, ideological blather on the campaign trail.  Voters should ignore it and instead research how each candidate's election would directly affect THEM.  Not their neighbors, not the country in general, and not some abstracted, easily manipulated idea of "history". 

The biggest danger I see in this election is for people to ignore their own best interests and vote for a candidate and party based on either emotional factors, phony ideological constructs, or a misplaced sense of national patriotism that has been contrived to ultimately serve the ends of special interests.  Instead, vote for your own interests, which to you should be truly special!