Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Spare Me the Bonos, Please

I get the hype about Chaz Bono. I really do. As far as I'm concerned, transgenders are cool, and I accept those who have that self-identification, along with the choices that they make in accordance with it. They could use a lot more support in our society than they get. But that doesn't make Mr. Bono a good dancer.

In recent weeks on Dancing With the Stars, viewers have been treated...or should I say "subjected"...to performances by Chaz Bono in which he basically stands in one spot like a rooted tree and waves his arms and gyrates his torso while managing to hold on to his much more mobile and adept partner. And every week he survives to the next while much more talented entrants are asked to exit. His "mommy dearest" Cher, ever so protective, has made it clear that any negative reaction to her little baby's dancing skills is due to intolerance and bigotry about his sexuality. She is on a one-woman campaign to ensure victory for her kid: she even promised (and delivered) to her fans an appearance on the show in support of Chaz. The only problem I see with this is, if you're not already a Cher fan, then so what?

So what does this have to do with dancing? I remember the old Sonny and Cher show, which wasn't all that good to begin with, evoking very few memories. But one thing I do remember about it was how the show's stars would drag their little girl Chastity out on the stage with them at the closing of each show, essentially using their daughter as a prop to show the world what a wonderful, family-oriented couple they were. Even as a teenager, I felt then that the poor kid was being used to further her parents' careers. And now, I suppose, the dues for this manipulation are being paid, and with more manipulation. Now Chaz's mother is lending herself as a stage prop to further his career, once again at the public's viewing expense.

Maybe this is just another example of something that I should step back from and let go. After all, the mass media is full of people, be they activists with their high and holy causes or just fading, washed-up celebrities, tweaking the system however they can to bring that much-craved attention to themselves...and then demanding the very privacy and dignity that they so eagerly relinquished in exchange for it.

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