Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Unwelcome National Holiday

Because we live in a society that is obsessed with the decimal system, today carries with it great numerological significance in that not only is it the anniversary of the 9/11/2001 terror attacks, but it is also the TENTH anniversary. So just about anyone and everyone in media and government seems to have planned out something special to devote to the events, much more than in previous 9/11 anniversaries, and have made it something akin to a national holiday, albeit a very unwelcome one. Perhaps, though, attempting to refresh the general population's memories every ten years or so is a wise course, seeing how completely memory-challenged people in general are nowadays, at least regarding recent history. Of course, if I were in the professional news media I wouldn't even wait more than a year to review the facts surrounding 9/11: just two years after the attacks, a large percentage of the American population was convinced that we invaded Iraq because it was part of the 9/11 conspiracy...

But then again, hopefully with that epidemic challenged memory among the masses may come a blessing for those who are currently drowning in the 9/11 coverage. For it probably won't be more than a week from now before everyone conveniently forgets about it and goes back to their precious, transitory little lives all focused on the present moment. I say "hopefully" because of the alert going around to possible plans for 9/11-day attacks in New York or Washington. Supposing that they don't find the suspects in any such plans and 9/11 passes without incident, are we all then just supposed to breathe a collective sigh of relief and resume our happy little lives without concern? After all, not everyone is a slave to anniversaries, the decimal system, and revisiting crime scenes! Especially those nasty people out there who commit their foul deeds based on available opportunities...

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